Coppell 4th Grade 8 week Winter Developmental Program

Coppell 4th Grade 8 week Winter Developmental Program


Tuesdays, January 7 - February 25
Coppell Middle School North (SE corner of Hwy. 121/Denton Tap)

Are you looking for a fun introduction to volleyball without compromising the fundamentals? Volleyball is a highly technical sport. Help your athlete begin playing volleyball with the correct fundamentals in a fun and fast-paced environment!

  • Mini-volleyball” training philosophy is our foundation. A smaller court, lower net and lighter ball (First Touch and Volley-lite) which allows our youngest athletes to develop the correct technique while training in drills, games and scrimmages.

  • Competition games integrated throughout the 80 minute session.

  • Sign up as an individual or together as a group of friends.

  • FUN and fundamentals are key to learning a new sport!

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Complete Registration Form for 4th Grade Winter League and add to CART